The Squat

Perhaps you only ever think about the word squat as being one of those challenging exercises your visit to the gym includes.

The author Giulia Enders a Doctor from Germany ( a copy of her book is in GUTFIT clinic’s waiting room), researched the best way to support your body in the process of  opening your bowel to release faecal waste matter.

In Enders book she details several studies that show squatting to be the most efficient way to move faecal matter out. Squatting she reported is far more natural  because the actual closure  mechanism( sphincter) of the persons gut is not designed by nature to “ open the hatch completely” when we either sit down as we would on a toilet or in a standing position.

The bowel has an outer sphincter  called the anus that we open or close consciously and there is also an inner sphincter. This sphincter sends some faeces or gas into the area of the bowel between both the inner and outer sphincters for the many sensory nerves and cells to analysis( the brain gut pathway) if it is okay  to pass gas or pass faceal ( solid or semi solid remains of foods that couldn’t it be digested in the small intestine) matter.

The inner sphincter can be effected by a lumbar nerve  injury, therefore making it impossible for these people to feel their bowel filling and this causes pressure on the outer sphincter and faceal Incontinence. If we constantly delay our our urge to open our bowels this can result in desensitization of the sensory nerves and damage to the anal sphincter that can result in constipation and anal prolapse( pushing out of the anal tissue) so don't put of the urge to often.

In contrast the act of squatting can help prevent the development of haemorrhoids that develop because of straining to pass faeces. Enders states “ 1.2 billion people around the world squat have almost no incidence of diverticulosis and piles”.

So to understand why we don't squat like other cultures do we need to revisit some history. Way back our ancestors squatted and did so until the mid 19 th century. Look at infants, they instinctively squat to poo. The modern toilet  has required us to change the position we use to open our bowel to poo. The toilet as we know it is the Thomas Crapper style sit down toilet, specifically designed to position your knees at a 90 degree angle to your abdominal wall.

When in this position next time you are on the toilet notice the position of your body and how you are probably likely to be breath holding and pushing and bending forward over your knees. None of this is helpful in opening both the sphincters  to easily and effectively open. This causes even more straining as your intestinal organs are not positioned optimally and the added pressure created by bending forward creates a ‘ kink’ in the bowel making it difficult  for faceal matter to easily pass through the bowel ( think of a kink in a hose)It also can be a health risk factor in people with cardiac disorders as breath holding  causes an increase of  intra abdominal pressure causing a strain on the heart as there is a disruption in the cardiac flow.

Modern chair like toilets were reversed for the royalty but soon they were found in most people's homes complete with plumbing!

When you sit on a toilet you also in a position that is just like you sit when you are at a table. Your brain is programmed to view this position of one of been tight and upright not loose and relaxed so psychologically it is harder to evacuate. Evolution  has created obstacles to evacuation, so any other position than squatting  results in the ‘ continence’ mode, that is  evacuation is shut down.  The puborectalis  muscle chokes the rectum creating a  kink. By squatting the puborectalis  muscle relaxes and the rectum straightens so no kink occurs. Squatting is also very helpful to stop faceal stagnation and back up of faeces. When you squat your entire body weight rests on your feet. creating a beneficial pressure in your abdominal cavity, that creates a natural reflex urge to evacuate. The ileocaecal value in the squatting position is securely sealed so there is no back flow of faeces matter into the appendix or small intestine.

Interestingly it has been reported that the most common areas that bowel cancer exists ( caecum and sigmoid colon) are the areas not evacuated effectively when you sit to evacuate but squatting clears them far more effectively. In each GUTFIT clinic room there is a diagram of your Colon  your therapist will show you before your colon hydrotherapy procedure.

The simple act of squatting allows the bowel not to be kinked and the rectum straightens allowing fuller evacuation of the rectum and helps propel faceal matter move along the bowel. When you squat and if you do sit down on a chair like toilet it is vital you breath not breath hold. By breathing deeply and visualize sending your breath down to your bowel area you are sending oxygen and energy down to the area where you need it rather than way up in   the top part of your lungs. 

So how best to squat? You can purchase a support seat/ step that goes over the toilet and enables you to position yourself correctly. You can sit facing the toilet cistern and squat over the toilet so you are facing opposite way to normal.  You can sit on the toilet but raise your feet a small amount  but flat on the surface and slightly  lean your body forward so you obtain an inward curve in your back, your hands on your thigh area. Puff your stomach out including the side areas, let your abdomen bulge  it forward to release the anal sphincter. It will feel like you are making your abdomen into a barrel  and then breath out slowly. This is called the ‘ Brace and Bulge’ technique and many pelvic floor women's physiotherapists teach it to both women and men to help their elimination to be more efficient and effective. Have look on YouTube for the specific technique as it is a helpful one if squatting is too difficult. 

Have you noticed in each GUTFIT clinic room there is a stool next to each toilet? We encourage you to use this stool and to place your feet on it when sitting on the toilet as the  raising of your knees allows the body to get into a position like when you squat.

At GUTFIT we take the work of the colon seriously. Each Clinic room where you will have your Colon Hydrotherapy treatment has been carefully designed to not only look great but importantly to make you feel as comfortable as possible during your procedure and after.

To end I will quote the very well known natural therapist Bernard Jensen said about modern toilet habits “ it is my sincere belief that one of the bowel’s greatest enemies in civilized society is the ergonomic nightmare known as the toilet or the John”.

Cathy Purcell