Health Begins in the Gut

Thank you for your booking with GutFit Health.

GutFit Health is located at 589 Hampton Street, Hampton.

An appointment lasts approximately one hour in total and you can carry on your day as normal after a session. As we are a busy clinic, please ensure that you are on time for your appointment. If you are not punctual, your session time may need to be reduced.

The main preparations are:

  • be well hydrated in the lead up to your appointment and on the day, so aim to drink two litres of water and/or herbal teas daily

  • to refrain from eating in the two hours prior to your appointment

Below is some information regarding colon hydrotherapy and our services here at GutFit Health.  

We have a number of common questions listed in our FAQ section as well as a section explaining colonics.
Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call us on 9534 6660 or via our contact form.


Each colonic treatment may be a different experience for you. After your first colonic your may potential experience a burst of energy or possibly a light headed or drowsy.   Feeling a little tired and/or nauseous is the body’s way of dealing with toxins being released – this may be a sign that more cleansing may be needed.

You may experience some bloating.  This is due to some of the water being infused into old material in the colon.  The water softens it causing it to swell which creates the feeling of bloating.  This will pass.

It is not uncommon that you may not have a bowel movement for a day or so after a colonic.

It takes time to improve colon tone and function.

What should I do before my appointment?

Sessions are most productive when you are well hydrated, so aim to drink two litres of water and/or herbal teas for several days beforehand.  We recommend you refrain from eating in the two hours prior to your appointment.

Will one cleansing completely empty the colon?

Almost never. Many of us may have up to 5 kilos or more of impacted feces in our colon. This feces is hardened, rubbery material and substantial work must be dome to remove it. One cleansing removes some, the second, more. Your personal objectives will determine how many colonics you wish to have.

To begin with, it is generally recommended to have 3-4 sessions within a 10-14 day period to maximise results in cleaning the length of the colon and getting that great reset.

Is colon hydrotherapy embarrassing?

No mess, no fuss, no odour – in fact, a very relaxing experience. After you gently insert the pencil thin tube yourself, one and a half inches into your bottom, you are completely covered during the entire procedure.

The colonic is private and many clients chose the time to meditate or listen to relaxing music gently streaming through our rooms.  

If you need help or assistance, simply press the buzz and our colon hydro therapists will attend.

Is the procedure painful?

Rarely. Sometimes during the procedure, the muscles of the colon contract suddenly, expelling considerable liquid and waste into the rectum. The contraction may feel like cramping or gas with pressure in the rectum. Most of the process is mild and gentle with a wonderfully light and empty feeling afterwards.

Is the procedure safe and sanitary?

With the use of high-tech, sterile, medial grade and disposable apparatus, the equipment is new every session. There is total hygienic safety.

What other benefits may I expect from colon hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure-all, but a valuable procedure used to assist the body with a wide variety of colon-related conditions. By re-toning the bowel wall and improving colon functions, the entire body is able to function more efficiently. Common effects are sinus drainage, a loosening of mucous in the lungs, improved range of motion, skin tightening, feeling younger, clearing up of acne and skin conditions, improved posture, abdomen softening and shrinking, relief from headaches, less fatigue, body weight correction, relief from bloating and improved bowel function.

Colon hydrotherapy works to soothe and tone the colon, helping it to eliminate more efficiently. The function as a whole reduces the burden on other organs and the lymphatic system. The main benefit received from releasing the old toxic waste is that we remove the number one source of disease in the body. The bowel then works more efficiently in eliminating the waste, and nutrient absorption is improved.

Will laxatives or enemas accomplish the same results?

Using an enema you are missing most of the colon. During a colonic, the water washes all the way through the colon or bowel to the illeocecal valve (this is where the small and large intestine meet). Laxatives are an irritant, causing the body to produce a thin, watery substance that goes through the colon and leaves behind impacted toxins and waste on the walls of the colon, but depletes the colon of good bacteria.  Laxatives can also become very habit forming.

Can one become dependent on it? Could the colon stop functioning on its own?

Colon hydrotherapy retrains the muscle of the bowel to regain strength. The bowel muscle is forced to work against the water, providing resistance much like a weight provides resistance against a muscle in bodybuilding. After the bowel has regained its strength, it works better on its own. Colonics are like an internal gym workout for your colon.

Does colon hydrotherapy wash away all bacteria, even the good?

If your bowel is toxic you have little or no good intestinal flora to begin with. As in gardening, if you do not prepare the soil and fertilise the ground, plants will not live. The helpful bacteria can only live in an acidic environment, whereas the harmful ones thrive in an alkaline environment. Most people, due to years of improper eating, lack of exercise and poor elimination, have an alkaline colon. The great benefit of the cleansing program is to change the environment from alkaline to acid. If we make conditions favourable in the colon for bifidophilus and acidophilus cultures – the good bacteria – they will populate. Removing toxic material and gases is the first step. Replenishing good bacteria can be accomplished by oral supplementation.

What should I eat following my appointment?

It’s best to eat lightly after your session. Focus on easy to digest, nourishing foods (such as soups, fruits and lightly steamed vegetables). Try to avoid foods that are difficult to digest, highly processed or spicy.

What if I have my period?

It is perfectly safe and beneficial to have a colonic during your period. Colonic hydrotherapy can relieve congestion in the pelvis and assist in clearing hormones from the body. Please remove your tampon before having a treatment.

Is colon hydrotherapy suitable for all ages?

If you are aged under 16, we require that you book a full naturopathic consultation. Whether or not colonic hydrotherapy is a suitable therapy for you will be decided at the naturopath's discretion. If you are aged between 16 and 18 years, you must have a guardian present with you for a colon hydrotherapy procedure, as they will be required to sign a medical questionnaire on your behalf.
